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Last updated: 28 July 2021

30 Exceptional CSR Blogs

Market-inspector is proud to present our selection of 30 exceptional CSR blogs. The following list is a dedication to the blogs that spread awareness about sustainability and CSR. We believe that sharing information about CSR is a great way to institutionalise social responsibility into company culture.

The collection of sites we found offer business inspiration and are worth checking out if you are looking to solve your CSR and sustainability challenges. Each blog has their own angle of approaching the subject of CSR, some of which are niche, and others approach it from a broader perspective. Either way, we think that all blogs have their own merits and have something important and unique to say about CSR.

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Best CSR Blogs 2015

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Strategic CSR Sage

Strategic CSR Sage

Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Sage is a blog run by David Chandler and is centered on the ethical and social implications of emerging CSR practice. David believes that the most important issue for a company looking to adopt CSR policies is to truly understand what the philosophy stands for. The concept of “strategic CSR” can help businesses navigate their operations to start creating value along their entire spectrum of stakeholders.

While this blog is a champion for CSR, it also questions whether it’s implemented correctly. He particularly questions the need to make sustainability a niche study rather than common practice in company culture. He also questions the business-world’s ability to follow CSR academia when generating company practice. This blog provides clear-cut analysis with commentary about statistics regarding economic and gender inequality. The great thing about this blog is that the articles are based on up-to-date news, which you can access at the bottom of each piece. This way, readers are able to see the information-sharing quality to the blog.

Ideal WorldSmiths

Ideal WorldSmiths

Mark and Debbie Griffiths are the founders of Ideal Worldsmiths, an organization of people who use the power of the written word to spread awareness about sustainability. They all share the same passion for a well-told story, and have a wide range of skills in copywriting, branding, design etc. They provide consultations and coach those who seek to be better storytellers and guide businesses so they can eloquently communicate business goals. In fact, Debbie believes that the most important factor to a successful CSR program is leadership support.

Ethics Sage

Ethics Sage

Ethics Sage is published by Dr. Steven M. Mintz, who holds a PhD and is a professor of accounting specializing in ethics. He likes to share his valuable knowledge by giving presentations to professional and academic groups that would like to create a more ethical organizational environment, as well as providing tips to improve ethics in financial reporting. Dr. Mintz provides readers with interesting thoughts about accounting, business ethics, fraud and workplace ethics issues. If you are interested in CSR don’t hesitate to visit this blog that provides captivating weekly posts.



Coethica is run by David Connor who focuses on sharing award winning CSR strategies, products and business plans. He also specialises in creating campaigns to improve content and engagement. His blog includes articles that comment on surveys, and he also comments on human capital trends in the world of CSR. One of the key themes in Coethica is the concept of Breakthrough Capitalism, which is a new take on capitalism based on clean, conscious and responsible principles. David believes that it is important to be bold when undertaking a successful CSR program. According to David, your efforts will only be rewarded if you take the philosophy to heart, learn from your mistakes and invest time and resources in developing an authentic and engaging approach to it.

Sustainable Smart Business

Sustainable Smart Business

Toby Webb is a lecturer on corporate social responsibility and founder of Innovation Forum, a company that does research, publishing, and events with focus on sustainability. In his blog, Toby uses his extensive background in CSR and sustainable business to touch upon important global issues and present a platform for discussion with his readers. The Q&A sessions and interviews he does with influential corporate responsibility executives provide insight into how some large companies have incorporated sustainability in their daily operations and overall culture. In his opinion, the most important facet of a good CSR program is ongoing and comprehensive stakeholder engagement across a wide range of issues.



Fairsnape blog was created in 2007 by Martin Brown who is a consultant for sustainability, social responsibility and social media. With 35 years of experience he already assisted organizations on a multitude of improvement projects. He has been really involved in the sustainable building industry and regularly comments on constructions and facilities management issues through his blog. Fairsnape blog gives valuable information and helps organizations and professionals to understand what matters today in the business and built environments.

Cone Communications

Cone Communications

Cone Communications is a public relations and marketing agency. They are experts in corporate social responsibility and cause marketing, with over three decades of experience in brand communications. They believe in the power of people to strengthen communities and increase the capacity of nonprofit organizations. Their blog spreads awareness about pressing matters and good practice cases in the fields of cause marketing, corporate social responsibility, social impact and more. We recommend this blog to anyone who wants to learn how large corporations are changing their operations to serve the needs of society as well as their own.

Green Conduct

Green Conduct

Green Conduct is a blog about all things “green”, including green living, green economy, sustainable development, innovation, and technology. Additionally, there is a section dedicated to CSR and ethics, dealing with important issues in the way businesses operate. There are insightful posts giving tips and guidelines on managing green companies, teaching CSR and ethics, as well as improving one’s environmental impact. We recommend this blog to any CEO of a small or medium sized enterprise, and investors who wish to spend their time and energy on green companies. It is also targeted to people who want to take up more environmentally friendly practices in their daily lives.



This blog is run by Mallen Baker, a CSR columnist and the head of a CSR digital agency Daisywheel. He is a CSR professional who has lead the Business Impact Review Group, and implemented frameworks that companies still used today. The articles on Mallen Baker’s blog illustrate the growing influence of CSR on companies and displays examples of where companies are taking steps towards fulfilling CSR in a better way. Rather than demonising companies, his blog also asks questions about the growing need for business leaders to take a more proactive role concerning social issues.



EJOLT is a global research project, which is focused on analyzing and bringing awareness to global ecological conflicts and environmental injustice. They see major issues in the global chain of production of energy and materials. The consequences of pollution are not distributed equally among everyone, and those who feel negative effects more so are women, minorities, indigenous people and the poor. The EJOLT blog brings attention to these important problems and demands accountability from the private and the public sector alike.

Friends Of The OECD Guidelines

Friends Of The OECD Guidelines

This blog tracks worldwide trends in responsible business conduct related to the OECD guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and is administered by Prof. Dr. R. Nieuwenkamp. He focuses on providing insight into the financial sector, mining sector and conflict minerals. According to Dr. Nieuwenkamp, the first step to adopting the CSR philosophy is embedding it in the corporate DNA. This is achieved through corporate governance by instilling the necessary values in the board, the risk management system and most importantly making it part of the motivational scheme for the employees.

This blog is especially noteworthy because it publicises worldwide issues in the sphere of CSR and provides updates on important events like the G7 Summit. He also provides views on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and compares the effectiveness of different guidelines and legislation. Overall, the articles showcase an in-depth understanding of pertinent CSR developments and offers great commentary on how business conduct can be evolved.

Edouard Stenger

Edouard Stenger

Edouard is a young management professional, dedicated to bringing his readers a selection of the latest news and the best research on sustainable development, climate change, environmental issues and world energy sector. His blog covers news that showcase the positive impact of undertaking CSR endeavours. His blog entries are inspiring examples of companies taking responsibility for their actions and doing the right thing. He also provides objective reviews of the repercussions of ignorance and environmental carelessness.



Volans is a think-tank and advisory firm that is led by the concept of breakthrough capitalism. The founding mission of Volans is to help drive innovation by building bridges between the worlds of mainstream business and social enterprise. Nowadays, their operations are mainly focused on helping both business leaders and the sustainability sector itself to drive systematic change at scale. Their ideology shines through from their blog. Readers can find examples of how breakthrough capitalism is making a difference in the world as well as inspirational stories about the value of B Corporations.

James Meldrum

James Meldrum

James is an entrepreneur who believes in the power of businesses to actively solve social and environmental problems. This belief is reflected in his company, which is the manufacturer of Australia’s first range of organic snacks for kids and a certified B Corporation. Furthermore, his blog provides insight into the philosophy of conscious capitalism and what it is to be a B Corporation. It is a recommended read for anyone passionate about being a changemaker by delivering value to all stakeholders.

Crane And Matten

Crane And Matten

Crane and Matten created their blog back in 2008 in order to inform, comment and analyze the ever changing world of corporate responsibility. Crane and Matten are business school professors that are well known for their books and research articles on business ethics and corporate citizenship. Besides sharing their knowledge and point of view, their blog also provides with interesting guest blog posts from other professors. Their blog provides up-to-date news, information and unique insight on a range of issues from across the globe.

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

The Business Ethics Blog is published by Chris MacDonald, who has a Ph. D and is a writer, speaker, and consultant on ethics. He has been blogging about CSR, featuring news and believes the number one facet to a successful CSR program is the connection between the company's approach to CSR and its own core values. There has to be an alignment, or key stakeholders just aren't going to take it very seriously. He believes you need to think critically both about what your own core values are, and what values are implied by your CSR activities. If there's a mismatch, that's a problem.

Aman Singhdas

Aman Singhdas

Aman is a young mum who is really active in the CSR world and also regularly posts on Twitter. As a CSR professional and social media strategist she attends many conferences, meetings and participates in numerous CSR and sustainability related projects. Aman uses her blog to share her experiences and other information about climate change, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. She defines sustainability as "the whole story of a business, or an individual, from how you make your money to how you spend it, and everything in between."



EMG is a leading full-service sustainability consulting agency that works to bring profit and growth to their clients through corporate and social responsibility initiatives. They believe that businesses have the unique power to make an incredible positive difference in the world. They believe this is only possible when they completely align their operations to their value system. Their blog is a collection of posts touching upon topics like circular economy, implementing corporate social responsibility, and sustainability thought leadership. This is a great blog because the articles are objective and offer a range of perspectives.



The Think Step Blog is part of Think Step, a company which focuses on sustainable solutions for their clients. They create innovative products, and ensure that companies have efficient value chains and a solid compliance track-record. Their product is largely based upon creating sustainability software, which houses extensive data about industrial activity. Their blog is offers a critical perspective of the mining and tech industry, as well as offering great commentary on the UN Sustainability Goals. It offers a balanced array of articles that ask critical questions of both corporation and sustainability organizations.



CorpWatch focuses on promoting environmental, social and human rights at the local, national and global levels by holding multinational corporations accountable for their actions. Through investigative research and journalism, the people behind CorpWatch provide a critical view on misuse of corporate power and influence around the world. They believe that it is up to the public sphere to protect the public interest and they enable this through their engaging and informative blog. This is highly recommended for those who are not easily fooled by superficial CSR initiatives and like to keep an eye on the action behind the scenes.

Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Business Ethics is an online magazine with the goal to “promote ethical business practices, to serve that growing community of professionals and individuals striving to work and invest in responsible ways.” The platform is owned by New Mountain Media, a New York-based media company controlled by Michael Connor. The blog provides readers with interesting information, opinions and analysis about the intersection of business and society. Many archive articles are available onsite and sorted in 26 categories such as environment, recent stories, business ethics or featured story. This website is a must follow if you want to stay updated with the latest CSR news.

Know The Chain

Know The Chain

This blog offers articles that promote greater transparency in supply chains and to create awareness amongst companies, investors, policymakers and consumers. This blog centers its content mainly around the requirements of SB-657, a legal instrument aimed to make companies disclose information about their supply chains. It showcases examples of companies that have taken the extra step to combat slavery and to engage in due diligence with the aim of avoiding human rights violations.

Eco Coach

Eco Coach

Eco-Coach blog was created in 2006 by Eco-Coach, an organization that helps its customers to achieve lasting results by taking on sustainable practices. Their blog provides news and tips on how to stay environmentally in order to save your organization money, stimulate innovation, improve employee morale, solidify brand image and generate a profit. The premise of the Eco-Coach blog is that companies can gain a competitive advantage by being ethical and by implementing solutions that have a positive impact on the planet.

CSR Connected

CSR Connected

CSR Connected was set up by the Australian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, a consulting and training firm that organize CSR related courses and events. They started the blog back in 2011 and since than, they have been providing ideas, opinions and explaining issues in corporate social responsibility. CSR Connected blog offers really interesting articles from their employees, guest blog posts and has great interview subjects. The fact that this blog showcases many different writers, allows readers to gain different point of views.

Green Wise Business

Green Wise Business

Green Wise is an independent online publisher that helps small and medium sized businesses becoming sustainable. Green Wise’s Blog gives regular updates on sustainability and CSR news. The blog is run by 6 bloggers who give tips on how and why your business should be sustainable. The website is a great resource to find daily news, guides and market studies. The blog has been active since 2011 and we like it because you can choose to browse the blog through many different categories.

CSR And The Law

CSR And The Law

This blog is an extension of Foley Hoag, a legal practice which provides counsel to multinational companies, government, and institutions regarding their CSR practice. They provide their clients with reputational risk management, advice about dealing with labor rights, human rights, and environmental issues. In doing so, they provide due diligence and mediation services.The blog provides updates regarding controversial issues in relation to labor rights, and legal issues about transparency and supply chains. It also provides commentary about development in Corporate Finance & Securities practice.



SustainAbility is a think tank and strategic advisory firm that works to catalyze innovation and provide solutions to make business and markets sustainable. Their vision is to create a just and sustainable world for present and future generations. Their operations are concentrated on informing, inspiring and guiding business leaders to integrate sustainability into the core of their organizations. Not surprisingly, they are a certified B Corporation, stating proudly that they believe in the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. Their blog touches upon current issues in climate change, governments, corporate accountability and more. Furthermore, one can get to know the latest business and sustainability news and share their opinion in the comment section.

Sense And Sustainability

Sense And Sustainability

The Sense and Sustainability site encompasses a range of writers and covers a range of CSR issues in the realm of energy, technology, social responsibility, sustainability, international relations, public policy, biodiversity, climate change, education and urban issues. It offers
in-depth analysis into compliance issues and whether certain CSR policies will be successful. This is a great blog for readers who wish to understand the nuances of the CSR debate and offers great alternatives to CSR issues.

Corporate Eco Forum

Corporate Eco Forum

The EcoInnovator Blog is created by the Corporate EcoForum, which is an organization made up of large global companies. It specifically focuses on how the environment can be incorporated into business strategy. The blog displays posts about events where business leaders have engaged in dialogue about corporate sustainability. It also offers discussion topics for executive business leaders to discuss at their upcoming conferences. In doing so, it showcases relevant and up-to-date concepts. Hence, this blog offers readers insight into what the business industry is talking about and their main concerns in CSR. It’s a positive read because it also provides examples of how companies are undertaking different CSR initiatives.



Consumerist is a really interesting website that is updated regularly with news and general information. Their mission is to help consumers understand and discuss the systems and forces that influence the marketplace - and this is very important when institutionalizing good company practices. The website equips customers with awareness so they can make better and more informed decisions. This blog is great because it informs consumers about unethical practices, and it emcompasses topics that help the global movement of businesses becoming more socially responsible.