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Last updated: 17 July 2024

EPOS Software: The Best Features For Business

  • The price of EPOS software can vary from £30 to £100 per month, depending on the features your business requires.
  • Free EPOS software like Square, Zettle, and Loyverse is available, but it may only have fundamental features and be suitable for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Different software levels are available for hospitality and retail businesses. Basic software offers payment processing, sales reporting, and simple inventory management. Intermediate software adds customer relationship management, sales analytics, employee management, and remote support. Advanced software for large businesses includes all previous features and adds loyalty programs, customizable reporting, and extensive third-party software integrations.

An EPOS system is the digital evolution of a traditional point-of-sale system, such as a cash register. It has expanded beyond traditional cash registers to serve as a comprehensive solution for modern businesses. Implementing EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) software in your company can significantly improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

This software offers numerous features that streamline daily operations, enhance inventory management, and provide valuable insights through detailed analytics. From supporting various payment methods to seamlessly integrating with other business applications, EPOS software is designed to cater to the diverse needs of businesses of all sizes.

Below, we will explore the best features of EPOS software that can help businesses optimise their processes, improve customer service, and drive growth. Whether you're a small retail store or a large hospitality chain, understanding these features will guide you in choosing the right EPOS system for your needs.

If you want to implement EPOS software, Market Inspect offers expert guidance in selecting the most suitable solution for your business. Fill out the form, and you'll receive free, non-binding quotes tailored to your specific requirements. Click below to find out more. 

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Electronic point of sale systems

An EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) system is a cutting-edge till system that seamlessly combines hardware and software to elevate and streamline your business operations. It offers various hardware components such as a touchscreen terminal, barcode scanner, card reader, receipt printer, and cash drawer.

As per Bark, the average cost of a complete EPOS system ranges from £250 to £1,600. You can choose from basic, intermediate, and advanced EPOS software options depending on your budget and specific requirements.

ePOS software options
  • Basic EPOS software encompasses essential transaction processing capabilities, fundamental sales reporting, and uncomplicated inventory management, making it perfect for small businesses aiming to optimise their checkout processes and uphold precise stock levels.
  • Intermediate EPOS software expands on the essentials by integrating customer relationship management (CRM) tools, advanced reporting and analytics, employee management, and support for multiple locations. These advanced capabilities empower businesses to gain profound insights into sales trends, efficiently manage staff, and boost customer loyalty through tailored marketing.
  • Advanced EPOS software offer comprehensive solutions, including omnichannel integration, sophisticated CRM and adaptable loyalty programs, customizable reporting, and extensive third-party software integrations. These systems also uphold robust security measures to safeguard sensitive data.

EPOS models may have a higher initial cost than traditional point-of-sale systems like cash registers. However, they provide a sturdier and more enduring solution, minimising disruptions and ultimately delivering better value for your investment. Embracing this technology directly addresses current market demands and effectively positions your business for future success.

EPOS software download: installation and configuration

EPOS software is available at various price points, ranging from £30 to over £100 per month, depending on the level of the system chosen - basic, intermediate, or advanced. While upfront payment is an option, the most popular choice is subscription-based EPOS software due to its flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

Here are the steps involved in the subscription, download, installation, and setup process for EPOS software:

  1. Selecting a plan
  2. Downloading and installing the software.
  3. Configuring it to suit your business needs

The first step in using subscription-based EPOS software is choosing the right provider for your business. Compare providers' websites and pricing plans to find the best features and budget fit for your business.

After selecting the best EPOS software subscription, you must download and install the software onto your EPOS hardware or device. Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the installation wizard.

Open the installed EPOS application to proceed with the setup. You will be prompted to log in using the credentials created during the subscription process. Complete the initial setup wizard, including selecting your business type, setting up tax rates, and adding your business information.

Free EPOS software UK

In the UK, free EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) software solutions are becoming increasingly popular among small—to medium-sized businesses. These software solutions help to streamline operations without requiring a significant upfront investment. 

It's important to note that while the software itself is free, fees are charged on every transaction made using it. According to Expert Market, these fees typically range from 1.3% to 3.5% of each transaction, with an additional fixed fee of around 10p added on.

Some of the UK's top free EPOS software options include Square POS, Zettle, and Loyverse POS. These solutions offer essential features like transaction processing, inventory management, and basic customer relationship management.

Square POS is the most widely used free EPOS software in the UK. Below are the pros and cons of this EPOS software provider:

Pros of Square
  • Free POS app
  • Support various payment including cash app, Apple pay, Google pay, credit/debit and reward cards
  • Basic plan is free
Cons of Square
  • High transaction fees. 1.4% + 25p on UK cards and 2.5% + 25p non UK cards
  • Does not have reporting or inventory management modules
  • Does not have 24/7 phone support

Zettle is an excellent option for free EPOS software. Below are the top pros and cons relating to this provider:

Pros of Zettle
  • Offers fix transaction rate of 1.75%
  • Purchase of card reader is the only requirement to get started on a Zettle account. No contract required
  • Various payment methods accepted
Cons of Zettle
  • No add-ons available. Unsuitable for larger businesses
  • Hardware need to be paid for separately and can cost between £29 to £189
  • No offline mode available

Loyverse is an excellent, free EPOS software solution for small to medium-sized businesses looking for an affordable and user-friendly system to manage sales, inventory, and customer loyalty programs. Below are the pros and cons of this provider:

Pros of Loyverse
  • Basic plan is free
  • User-friendly interface
  • Inventory management features available
Cons of Loyverse
  • Advanced features such as financial reporting or extensive third-party integrations not available
  • Some essential features, like advanced inventory management and employee management, require additional paid subscriptions
  • POS has fewer integrations with other business tools and software compared to some competitors.

These EPOS system providers help small to medium businesses streamline point-of-sale systems and elevate operations. These systems improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer service, driving growth in a competitive market.

Till software solutions by business category

The requirements for till software can vary significantly based on the specific needs and industry of the business. For example, a retail store would require strong inventory management to keep track of stock levels, manage suppliers, and streamline reordering. 

At the same time, a restaurant would benefit from features like table management, order tracking, and integration with kitchen display systems. Service-based businesses like salons or repair shops need appointment scheduling, customer relationship management (CRM), and invoicing capabilities to manage bookings and client interactions. 

Furthermore, businesses with multiple locations need software supporting multi-store management and centralised reporting for consistency and oversight. Different payment options, including mobile and contactless payments, are essential for customer convenience in virtually every business category. 

Choose till software that aligns with your business's operational needs and customer service expectations to optimize performance and achieve goals. Below we go into further details on the different till software available. 

Retail EPOS software

Retail EPOS software is critical for modern retail businesses as it streamlines operations and enhances customer service. Research conducted by Oracle reveals that 71% of customers consider the speed of service, checkout experience, and delivery options essential to their business loyalty. Additionally, 53% prioritise personalised offers in their shopping experience.

Customers now demand a more efficient and seamless, personalised, personalised experience. Their requisites often include:

  • A variety of payment options available both in-store and online
  • Recommendations based on customer purchasing history
  • Accurate inventory levels and accessible product information
  • Quick checkout service

Unlike old POS systems that primarily handle cash, credit, or debit card payments, EPOS retail software accepts online and contactless payments, providing customers with much more freedom. Additionally traditional POS systems do not have access to the advanced digitised features EPOS software has.

Retail EPOS software integrates various functions, such as sales processing, inventory management, customer relationship management (CRM), and detailed reporting. By automating sales transactions and updating inventory in real time, EPOS systems help retailers maintain accurate stock levels and minimise the risk of overstocking or stockouts. Which decreases customer frustration on misleading inventory. 

The CRM capabilities enable personalised customer interactions and loyalty programs, fostering customer retention and satisfaction. Furthermore, advanced reporting features provide valuable insights into sales trends, employee performance, and customer behaviours, enabling strategic decision-making and improving overall business efficiency. Its scalability makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small boutiques to large chain stores, offering flexibility and growth potential.

Restaurant EPOS software

A restaurant EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) software system is specially crafted for the food and beverage industry. It seamlessly integrates crucial functions such as order management, table reservations, billing, inventory control, and customer relationship management (CRM). 

Automating the order-taking process and directing orders straight to the kitchen significantly reduces errors and expedites service, guaranteeing that customers receive their meals promptly. Furthermore, the restaurant EPOS software excels in table management, allowing servers to effortlessly identify occupied and available tables, thereby reducing customer wait times and enhancing overall satisfaction.

Robust inventory management features enable real-time stock level tracking, effectively preventing shortages and minimising wastage, ultimately leading to substantial cost savings for your business. Menu changes, pricing adjustments, and special offers are effortlessly updated using EPOS software, saving time and mitigating potential human errors.

Advanced reporting tools deliver comprehensive insights into sales performance, popular menu items, and peak dining times, facilitating strategic planning and operational enhancements. This versatile software can seamlessly integrate financial management tools to streamline accounting and payroll processes.

In addition, the CRM capabilities facilitate personalised customer interactions and enable the implementation of effective loyalty programs, fostering repeat business and customer retention. With support for multiple payment methods, including cash, card, and mobile payments, restaurant EPOS software ensures a seamless and efficient checkout process. 

Moreover, the software includes robust encryption and tokenization features to ensure customer confidentiality and safeguard against data breaches. Restaurant EPOS software is scalable and adaptable, making it ideal for various dining formats, from intimate cafes to expansive restaurants.

Takeaway EPOS software

Takeaway EPOS software functions similarly to restaurant EPOS software, focusing on managing and processing delivery orders. With the increasing demand for food and beverage delivery options, customers expect a seamless and efficient way to order food for delivery to their homes.

Opting for Takeaway EPOS provides a wide range of features for streamlining operations and enhancing customer service. This software includes order management, ensuring quick and accurate order taking, seamlessly relayed to the kitchen or food preparation area. It can also identify the top-selling items on your menu, enabling efficient planning and preventing popular items from selling out too soon.

The software supports multiple payment methods, including cash, card, and online payments, ensuring a smooth and efficient checkout. Creating an efficient checkout process can increase sales at your takeaway as customers are more likely to return.

Additionally, the software includes inventory management features to track stock levels in real time, reducing the risk of running out of essential ingredients. It can also integrate with online ordering platforms such as JustEat and accounting software for better payroll management and sales analytics.

Furthermore, Takeaway EPOS systems often incorporate customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities, enabling businesses to manage customer data, track order history, and implement loyalty programs to encourage repeat business. 

Advanced reporting tools provide insights into sales trends, peak times, and popular menu items, aiding in strategic planning and operational improvements. These features collectively enhance takeaway operations' efficiency, accuracy, and profitability.

What is the best EPOS software today?

Choosing the right EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) software for your business is crucial as it directly impacts operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall profitability. 

A good EPOS system helps streamline transactions, manage inventory in real-time, and provide valuable data analytics, enabling informed decision-making and optimised business processes. It also improves the customer experience by supporting various payment methods and speeding up the checkout process.

Below are the top three EPOS software available in the UK: 

  • Square
  • TouchBistro
  • Lightspeed

Square offers the best EPOS software for scaling and growing your business, which is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses like cafes, restaurants, and retail stores. The software includes a free plan with essential features such as menu and table management, online ordering, and basic reporting. It also provides paid plans with additional features like in-depth reporting, employee management, and mobile access. However, it's important to note that Square has higher transaction fees than its competitors, starting at a rate of 1.75%.

TouchBistro is one of the easiest Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) systems to operate, as recognized by Expert Market. This is primarily due to its user-friendly interface. The software efficiently streamlines order taking and seamlessly integrates into kitchen display systems. It also effectively tracks inventory and promptly alerts when stock is low. Additionally, the system offers customizable features, allowing users to tailor the system to their specific needs. However, it is essential to note that its primary compatibility with tablets limits its hardware flexibility.

Lightspeed is the top choice for businesses that demand advanced inventory management and detailed reporting, including retail stores, rental companies, and high-paced restaurants and hotels. It excels in managing retail and rental inventory, offering advanced reporting, and supporting in-person and online sales. Furthermore, it seamlessly integrates with various third-party software for enhanced functionality. However, it's essential to consider that Lightspeed EPOS software comes with a higher cost, starting at £59 per month, making it one of the pricier EPOS software providers in the market.

When selecting the best EPOS software, consider your business needs. Square offers scalability and affordability; Lightspeed excels in inventory management and detailed reporting. TouchBistro is tailored for the food and beverage industry with comprehensive and user-friendly features.

Nevertheless, other EPOS software options may be better suited to your business needs. At Market Inspector, we can provide four free quotes from local professionals with in-depth knowledge of the best EPOS software available. Click the button below and fill out our form to receive these quotes immediately.

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