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Last updated: 18 July 2024

From Masternaut To Michelin: Fleet Management UK

  • Masternaut and Michelin Connected Fleet offer robust solutions for fleet tracking, vehicle maintenance, and cold chain monitoring.
  • Masternaut, now a part of Michelin Connected Fleet, continues to emphasise essential telematics and fleet management functions. Meanwhile, Michelin Connected Fleet provides a broader range of advanced features, such as AI-driven connected cameras for improved safety, smart job management for efficient task allocation, and other sophisticated safety enhancements. This integration results in a more comprehensive and advanced fleet management solution.
  • Masternaut excels in flexible installation options and user-friendly devices.

Masternaut's solutions effectively transform fleet operations, earning the company a trusted reputation among businesses. By focusing on critical areas such as driver behaviour, vehicle maintenance, and environmental impact, Masternaut significantly improves efficiency, safety, and sustainability for numerous organisations.

Businesses should seek multiple quotes for fleet management solutions to save time and money. Comparing different providers helps find the best value, uncover hidden tracker costs, and comprehensively understand available services. Start your journey towards smarter and more economical fleet management today.

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Masternaut in the UK

Masternaut, a leading vehicle tracking company in the UK, has grown significantly since its inception, becoming renowned for its innovative solutions and reliable services. Founded in 1996, Masternaut initially focused on developing telematics solutions that combined vehicle tracking with data analytics to optimise fleet management. 

Over the years, the company expanded its offerings, incorporating advanced technologies and data-driven insights to meet the evolving needs of fleet operators.

Masternaut's growth can be attributed to its continuous innovation and commitment to addressing key challenges in fleet management. By leveraging the power of telematics, the company has provided comprehensive solutions that enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve safety.

In 2019, the French tyre manufacturer Michelin acquired Masternaut, further boosting its technological capabilities and market reach. The integration with Michelin led to the rebranding of Masternaut as Michelin Connected Fleet (MCF), underscoring its focus on connected vehicle technologies and sustainable mobility solutions.

Key solutions

  • Fleet Tracking Platform: The Fleet Tracking Platform offers real-time vehicle tracking, route optimisation, and data analytics to enhance fleet performance, boost efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, and ensure regulatory compliance.
  • MoveElectric: MoveElectric supports the transition to electric vehicles by providing tools for managing EVs efficiently, optimising charging strategies, and monitoring performance. This helps companies reduce their carbon footprint and operate sustainably.
  • TACHOfresh: TACHOfresh manages drivers’ hours and ensures compliance with driving regulations by monitoring tachograph data, preventing violations, and improving road safety. It integrates seamlessly with Masternaut's telematics tools for comprehensive fleet management.

Michelin Connected Fleet acquisition

Michelin announced its acquisition of Masternaut as part of its strategic expansion into the fleet telematics market - the acquisition aimed to enhance Michelin's Services & Solutions business, particularly for European light vehicle fleets​.

Purpose and impact of the acquisition

The acquisition of Masternaut allowed Michelin to leverage its extensive network and expertise to accelerate the deployment of telematics solutions across Europe.

After the acquisition, Masternaut continued to operate under its brand within Michelin’s Service and Solution business division. This ensures continuity for existing users while benefiting from Michelin’s resources and expertise. The acquisition has facilitated the expansion of Masternaut's offerings, including advanced data analytics and new product developments, to a broader geographical area.

Due to the integration with Michelin's extensive network and technological capabilities, users of Masternaut’s solutions can now access enhanced support and expanded service offerings​​.

Overall, the acquisition was well-received, positioning Michelin better to meet the evolving needs of the telematics market and support the growing demand for efficient fleet management solutions across Europe.

Tracking solutions: Masternaut Connect vs Michelin Fleet

We will explore the features of Masternaut Connect and MCF, highlighting MCF's key differences and enhancements. This overview will show how each platform meets fleet managers' needs, from basic tracking and telematics to advanced analytics and EV management.

Masternaut Connect features

Masternaut Connect is a robust fleet management application that provides fleet managers with real-time tracking and telematics. Key features include:

  • Real-time vehicle tracking: Offers live updates on the location and status of fleet vehicles (for example, driving, idling, and stopping).
  • Journey history: Allows managers to review the journeys undertaken by each vehicle, providing insights into routes and driving behaviours.
  • Alerts and notifications: Sends alerts for speeding, harsh braking, and vehicle maintenance needs.
  • Geofencing: Enables setting up virtual boundaries and receiving notifications when a vehicle enters or leaves these areas.
  • Fuel monitoring: Tracks fuel usage and efficiency, helping to optimise fuel consumption.
  • Driver behaviour analysis: Monitors and analyses driver behaviours to enhance safety and performance​​.

Michelin Connected Fleet features

The MCF app, which evolved from Masternaut Connect, includes all the original features with several enhancements:

  • Enhanced data analytics: This option offers more advanced data analytics for deeper insights into fleet operations, including predictive maintenance and operational re-engineering.
  • Expanded geographical coverage: Utilises Michelin's extensive network for broader coverage and support.
  • Innovative job management: Integrates features, allowing for better task allocation and monitoring.
  • EV management: Provides specialised tools for managing EVs, including charging station locations and battery status monitoring.
  • Connected cameras include AI-powered cameras that enhance safety monitoring, detect potential hazards, and provide real-time alerts.
  • Improved user interface: The app features a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easier for managers to navigate and utilise its functionalities effectively​.

Comparison and differences

Regarding data analytics and insights, Masternaut Connect provides basic analytics and reporting features for fleet management, allowing managers to track and analyse essential fleet data. In contrast, MCF offers enhanced data analytics capabilities, including predictive maintenance and more detailed operational insights, enabling more proactive and informed decision-making.

Geographically, Masternaut Connect primarily focuses on the UK and France, catering to fleet operations within these regions. MCF, however, leverages Michelin's extensive network to provide expanded coverage across Europe, supporting a broader range of fleet operations.

Masternaut Connect has limited EV management tools. On the other hand, MCF offers comprehensive EV management tools, including the MoveElectric platform. This platform supports EV transition and ongoing management, making it easier for fleets to integrate and optimise EVs.

Additionally, while Masternaut Connect focuses on core telematics and fleet management features, MCF includes advanced features such as AI-powered connected cameras for enhanced safety, smart job management for better task allocation, and other advanced safety features, providing a more comprehensive and sophisticated fleet management solution.

MoveElectric vs EV Transition solutions

Masternaut and Michelin have developed comprehensive solutions to support the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) within fleets. Below is a comparison of their offerings and how they embrace the Green Fleet concept.

MoveElectric by Masternaut

MoveElectric is designed to assist fleet managers in transitioning from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to EVs. It uses real-world data to identify which journeys EVs can make and compares ICE and EV data to determine the most suitable electric vehicles for the fleet.

The tool provides insights into efficiency, CO2 reduction, and cost savings, helping businesses create data-driven roadmaps for full electrification by 2030. MoveElectric also addresses practical concerns such as range anxiety by offering real-time tools to monitor vehicle status and charging needs​.

MCF EV transition tools

Michelin’s EV transition tools offer similar functionalities but are integrated into a broader fleet management system. The EV transition tool analyses journey data to recommend the best vehicles for electrification and provides detailed insights into charging behaviours and vehicle performance.

The MCF solution emphasises reducing downtime through effective charging management and offers real-time monitoring of battery levels and public charging points. This comprehensive approach ensures fleet managers can optimise operations and enhance driver confidence in using EVs​.

Differences in features and characteristics

Data utilisation
  • MoveElectric: Utilises extensive real-world data to compare ICE and EV performances, providing detailed analysis on CO2 reduction and cost savings.
  • MCF EV transition tools: Focus on journey data and charging behaviours to recommend vehicles and optimise charging strategies, ensuring minimal downtime and efficient operations.
Charging management
  • MoveElectric: Offers tools to alleviate range anxiety and monitor charging needs, including real-time vehicle status updates and charging dashboards.
  • MCF EV Transition Tools: These tools provide detailed insights into charging behaviours, locations of public charging points, and real-time battery monitoring, facilitating smooth and efficient charging operations.
User experience
  • MoveElectric: Developed with customer consultation to ensure user-friendliness and accurately reflect real-life operations.
  • MCF EV Transition Tools: Emphasise ease of use and integration into the broader Michelin Connected Fleet platform, offering a seamless transition with enhanced data insights and operational visibility.

Embracing the Green Fleet concept

Masternaut and Michelin have fully embraced the Green Fleet concept by integrating sustainability into their fleet management solutions. Masternaut's MoveElectric is part of Michelin's broader Sustainable Development and Mobility strategy, aiming to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and fuel costs.

Through its Connected Fleet solutions, Michelin continues to promote environmentally friendly practices and the transition to a greener fleet, highlighting the benefits of reduced operational costs and improved environmental impact​.

By providing advanced tools and comprehensive data insights, Masternaut and Michelin enable fleet managers to make informed decisions and transition smoothly to electric vehicles, thereby supporting global sustainability goals.

Vehicle tracking for the driver

While both Masternaut and Michelin Connected Fleet offer advanced solutions for driver behaviour monitoring, incident management, and regulatory compliance, Michelin’s integration of AI technology and real-time feedback systems provides a more sophisticated and proactive approach to fleet management​. Let’s examine these differences further below.

  • Driver behaviour: Masternaut and MCF provide robust tools for monitoring and improving driver behaviour. However, MCF’s use of AI-powered dashcams and real-time video coaching offers a more interactive and immediate approach to correcting unsafe driving practices.
  • Incident management: While both solutions offer comprehensive incident management, MCF’s integration of AI-driven cameras provides enhanced data capture and analysis capabilities, making it more effective in understanding and preventing incidents.
  • TACHOfresh: Masternaut and MCF offer similar functionalities for managing drivers’ hours and ensuring compliance with driving regulations. The main difference lies in MCF's additional integration features and real-time capabilities.

Masternaut fleet tracking

Masternaut and Michelin Connected Fleet offer robust solutions for fleet tracking, vehicle maintenance, and cold chain monitoring. Masternaut excels in flexible installation options and user-friendly devices, while Michelin Connected Fleet integrates advanced AI technology and offers seamless, comprehensive fleet management capabilities.

Generic fleet tracking

  • Masternaut: Masternaut Connect offers real-time vehicle tracking, journey history, and driver behaviour monitoring. It includes geofencing, live alerts, and comprehensive reports on fleet performance. Masternaut Pulse is a versatile, self-install GPS tracker for short-term hires and subcontractors.
  • MCF: MCF provides integrated fleet tracking with real-time updates, driver behaviour monitoring, and AI-powered dashcams. The platform offers advanced reporting tools and seamless integration with maintenance and compliance features, enhancing overall fleet management.

Vehicle maintenance

  • Masternaut: Masternaut’s maintenance features include real-time vehicle health monitoring and predictive maintenance alerts. These help schedule proactive maintenance to prevent breakdowns and extend vehicle life​.
  • MCF: MCF emphasises predictive maintenance with detailed diagnostics. It reduces downtime by anticipating vehicle needs and integrating these insights with broader fleet data for optimal scheduling​.

Cold chain tracking

  • Masternaut: Masternaut's cold chain solution monitors temperature in real time, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and maintaining the integrity of perishable goods. It provides detailed reports for easy integration with fleet tracking systems​​.
  • MCF: MCF's Connected Temperature solution offers advanced temperature monitoring with customisable zones and real-time alerts. It ensures cargo integrity and compliance and provides automatic and historical reports for regulatory and customer needs​.

Which is the best Masternaut tracker?

Masternaut offers a range of tracking devices tailored to various fleet management needs. These devices are known for their reliability, ease of installation, and comprehensive data reporting, making them popular among UK fleets.

Popular Masternaut trackers

  • Masternaut Pulse: Masternaut Pulse is a self-installed GPS tracker that collects high-quality position data. It is ideal for short-term hires, subcontractors, and company cars. The user-friendly device plugs into a vehicle's cigarette lighter and collects data immediately. Pulse offers live tracking, historical journey data, and easy mileage reporting, making it a versatile solution for various fleet needs​​.
  • Masternaut M210: The M210 is an OBD tracking device that provides detailed tracking and data collection by connecting to a vehicle’s OBD port. It offers live vehicle location, driver behaviour monitoring (including idling, speeding, and harsh braking), and comprehensive reporting features. The M210 is known for its fast installation, minimising vehicle downtime, and integrating seamlessly with the Masternaut Connect platform​.
  • Masternaut MT1200: The MT1200 is a robust asset-tracking device designed for long-term deployments in harsh environments. It features a rechargeable battery, superior GPS technology, over-the-air remote updates and maintenance serviceability. The MT1200 is particularly suited for assets that may remain idle for extended periods, offering reliable tracking and data collection with minimal downtime​​.

Masternaut MT1200 is a reliable tracker that stands out for its durability and advanced features, making it one of the most reliable trackers from Masternaut. It includes:

  • High-value asset tracking: The MT1200 is designed for assets that endure harsh conditions. Its IP66 sealed enclosure provides protection.
  • Long battery life: The device supports up to 500 message cycles on a fully charged battery, ensuring prolonged operational periods.
  • Advanced GPS and GSM technology: The MT1200 incorporates superior GPS and GSM aerials for accurate tracking and data transmission.

These features make the MT1200 ideal for fleets requiring reliable and long-term tracking solutions, particularly in challenging environments​.

Masternaut or Michelin for fleets?

Masternaut solutions are still technically available and mostly integrated into the Michelin Connected Fleet offer. Businesses can acquire Masternaut trackers, which are known for their reliability and advanced features, but many new applications and enhancements are part of Michelin's platform.

Truck tracking is a crucial aspect of fleet management, and both Masternaut and MCF excel in offering comprehensive tracking and data analytics for trucks and other commercial vehicles.

Current context for adopting Masternaut Solutions

  • Availability of trackers: Masternaut's tracking devices, like the Pulse, M210, and MT1200, are still in use, providing reliable tracking and real-time data collection for various fleet needs​​.
  • Integration with MCF: Advanced features and applications, such as AI-powered driver monitoring and predictive maintenance, are now integrated into Michelin Connected Fleet, offering a comprehensive management experience​.

Fleet managers considering whether to adopt Masternaut or Michelin Connected Fleet solutions must understand that Masternaut's reliable tracking devices are still available and widely used.

However, MCF offers a more integrated and enhanced solution for access to the latest applications and advanced features. This combination allows businesses to leverage the best of both worlds: the proven reliability of Masternaut trackers and the cutting-edge innovations of Michelin’s comprehensive fleet management platform.

Compare multiple quotes

UK business owners should seek multiple quotes when considering fleet management solutions. Doing so can save time and money by allowing for a comprehensive comparison of offerings, features, and pricing from different providers.

By evaluating multiple options, businesses can ensure they are getting the best value and the most suitable solution for their specific needs. This approach also helps identify hidden costs and understand the full scope of services available, ultimately leading to more informed and cost-effective decision-making.

Begin your journey towards more innovative and more economical fleet management now!

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