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Last updated: 20 August 2024

Quartix: Fleet Management With Focus on The Customer

  • Quartix stands out as a reliable and customer-focused vehicle tracking provider. It offers robust solutions that cater to the essential needs of businesses looking to optimise their fleet operations.
  • The brand has been highly rated on platforms like Trustpilot for its reliable product and exceptional customer service. Customers frequently highlight the ease of use and the positive impact on their fleet management operations.
  • The hardwired tracking device offers a secure, reliable, and comprehensive solution for fleet management.
  • The Connect & Track device is a cost-effective, flexible, and user-friendly solution for businesses seeking reliable vehicle tracking without needing professional installation.

Quartix is a solid choice for companies looking for dependable fleet management software. It provides real-time GPS tracking, driver behaviour monitoring, and geofencing capabilities, all at a reasonable cost.

Customers frequently commend their customer service for its responsiveness and assistance. Although Quartix might not have all the advanced features of some competitors, it stands out for its essential functionalities and user-friendly interface.

Comparing multiple quotes for vehicle tracking systems ensures UK business owners find the most effective and cost-efficient solution, uncovering the best features, avoiding hidden costs, and leveraging better deals. Make a well-informed decision for your fleet - compare multiple quotes today!

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Quartix: UK excellence and customer success

Quartix was founded 2001 by four UK professionals with extensive experience in systems design, telemetry, embedded computing, and communications. From its onset, the brand has grown into a prominent international player in the vehicle tracking industry, with operations in the UK, France, and the USA​.

Its vehicle tracking system has been installed in over 800,000 vehicles worldwide, providing businesses with critical insights into their fleet operations.

The company's focus on core functionalities like real-time GPS tracking, driver behaviour analysis, and geofencing has made it a preferred choice for many fleet managers​.

Customer service

One of the standout features of Quartix is its commitment to customer service. The company has received numerous accolades and positive feedback for its helpful and responsive support team.

According to reviews on Trustpilot, customers frequently praise the brand for its reliable product and exceptional customer service, underscoring the company's dedication to effectively meeting customer needs​.

Recognition and reliability

Quartix has earned several awards highlighting its innovation and industry excellence. These awards reflect the company's ongoing efforts to enhance its products and services, ensuring they remain at the forefront of vehicle tracking technology.

Furthermore, the customer stories shared on the brand’s website demonstrate the tangible benefits their clients experience, such as improved fleet efficiency and cost savings​​.

By integrating the brand’s tracker into their operations, businesses can achieve complete fleet visibility, monitor driver behaviour, and receive detailed reports that facilitate better decision-making and resource management. The Quartix app further enhances accessibility and convenience, allowing users to manage their fleets anywhere​​.

The best Quartix tracking solutions

Quartix offers a comprehensive suite of vehicle tracking solutions designed to meet the needs of various businesses. Their primary offering revolves around subscription-based plans that provide flexible and scalable tracking options.

Its solutions include real-time GPS tracking for effective fleet management, driver behaviour analysis to promote safer driving habits, and geofencing tools to set geographic boundaries with alerts.

Additionally, they offer comprehensive reporting for analysing trip histories and fuel usage and a user-friendly interface via the app and web portal for easy fleet monitoring and management from any device.

Subscription plans

Quartix offers tracking solutions through various subscription plans catering to different business needs. These plans include options for varying levels of functionality and reporting, ensuring that businesses can select the package that best fits their operational requirements and budget.

Cost-effective standard tracking with Info Point

The brand offers a highly cost-effective standard tracking solution, Info Point, designed to provide essential tracking capabilities for businesses seeking reliable fleet management without a significant financial outlay.

This solution supports businesses in optimising their fleet management processes by leveraging real-time GPS tracking and comprehensive reporting features. Below is a detailed look at its features.

  • Real-time GPS tracking: It provides live updates every two minutes on vehicle locations, enhancing route planning and dispatch efficiency.
  • Driver behaviour monitoring: It analyses driving patterns to identify areas for improvement, promoting safer and more fuel-efficient driving habits.
  • Geofencing: It allows setting up virtual boundaries and sending alerts when vehicles enter or leave designated areas, enhancing security and operational control​​.
  • Trip reports provide detailed logs of each journey, including start and end times, mileage, and duration. This information helps validate working hours and optimise route efficiency.


The Info Point plan is Quartix's most affordable option. It is designed to provide essential tracking features at a competitive price, at approximately £9.90 per vehicle per month.

Telematics integration with Info Plus

The Info Plus plan offers advanced telematics solutions for businesses, featuring real-time tracking, driver behaviour analysis, and extensive reporting tools. Key features include:

  • Driver behaviour reports: Evaluate driving styles to improve safety and reduce costs.
  • Driving style analysis: Monitor each driver's acceleration, braking, and speed.
  • Detailed reporting: Access a variety of customisable reports for fleet management.
  • Geofencing: Set up geographical boundaries to track vehicle locations and movements.
  • Integration capabilities: Seamlessly integrate with existing business systems.


The cost of the Info Plus plan depends on the fleet size and specific requirements. It is approximately £11.90 per vehicle per month.

Comprehensive commercial tracking with Info Fleet

The Info Fleet plan is the most advanced solution for commercial vehicle tracking, offering a full suite of fleet management tools designed to enhance efficiency and safety. Key features include:

  • Custom reports: Generate detailed and customisable reports for fleet performance analysis.
  • Daily vehicle logs: Track the daily activities of each vehicle for better operational oversight.
  • Comprehensive integration: Seamlessly integrate with existing business systems and other software.
  • Geofencing: Set geographical boundaries to monitor and manage vehicle locations effectively.
  • Driver identification: Ensure accountability with driver-specific data tracking.


Due to its comprehensive features, the Info Fleet plan is generally more expensive than the Info Plus plan, which costs approximately £16.90 per vehicle per month.

Which Quartix tracker is the best?

The brand offers a range of vehicle tracking devices designed to suit different fleet management needs. Their trackers are known for providing valuable insights into fleet operations, including real-time tracking, driver behaviour monitoring, and detailed reporting tools.

The main distinction between Quartix trackers is their installation type: hardwired and self-install options.

  • Hardwired trackers: These trackers are permanently installed into the vehicle's electrical system by a trained engineer. This installation ensures the device is hidden from view, difficult to tamper with, and continuously powered. Hardwired trackers suit businesses looking for a robust, permanent solution with tamper detection and driver ID key fob compatibility​​.
  • Self-install trackers: These trackers offer flexibility and ease of installation. The devices can be installed without professional help, making them ideal for smaller fleets or businesses needing a quick setup. Self-install trackers are less permanent and can be easily moved between vehicles. They provide standard features like live tracking, driver behaviour analysis, and trip reports but are not as tamper-proof as their hardwired counterparts​.

Hardwired tracking device

The hardwired vehicle tracking device is designed for businesses requiring a robust and permanent solution for their fleet management needs. This compact device, measuring 9cm x 5.5cm x 2.4cm and weighing just 90g, is installed by trained engineers to ensure it is completely hidden from view and tamper-proof.

Putting a tracker on a car typically takes 30-40 minutes, during which the device is securely integrated into the vehicle's electrical system​.

Key features and benefits

  • Tamper detection: The device is designed to be difficult to tamper with, enhancing security and reliability.
  • Driver ID compatibility: Supports driver ID key fobs, allowing managers to identify which driver is operating the vehicle at any given time.
  • Comprehensive alerts: Provides alerts for tailgate lifts, emergency door openings, and geofencing, which notify managers when vehicles enter or leave specified areas.
  • Hidden installation: The device is not visible once installed, reducing the risk of theft or vandalism.
  • Continuous power supply: Being hardwired, the device benefits from the vehicle’s power supply, ensuring continuous operation without needing battery replacements​.

Best use scenarios

  • Large fleets: Ideal for businesses with a substantial number of vehicles that require detailed, real-time monitoring and robust data collection.
  • High-value assets: Particularly suitable for vehicles carrying valuable goods, where enhanced security and tracking precision are critical.
  • Long-term tracking: Best for companies looking for a permanent tracking solution without frequently transferring devices between vehicles​.


The cost of hardwired vehicle tracking systems varies but typically ranges from £100 to £250 per unit. Monthly subscription fees for tracking services generally range from £10 to £30 per vehicle. Quartix offers competitive pricing within this range, providing substantial value through its feature-rich offerings and professional installation services.

Specific pricing for the hardwired trackers is tailored based on fleet requirements and can be obtained by contacting the brand for a quote​.

Connect & Track

The Connect & Track device is a simple, discreet, easy-to-install vehicle tracking solution designed for businesses looking for a flexible, user-friendly option. This self-install tracker requires no professional installation. The device remains secure and out of sight while providing comprehensive insights into vehicle journeys and driver behaviour​.

Key features and benefits

  • Ease of installation: The Connect & Track device is designed for simple self-installation, making it an ideal choice for businesses that need a quick and hassle-free setup. Detailed guides and videos are available to assist with the installation process.
  • Discreet design: The device is small and unobtrusive, ensuring it stays out of sight while delivering accurate tracking data.
  • Comprehensive telematics: The Quartix platform allows users to monitor live tracking, driver behaviour, trip reports, geofencing alerts, and vehicle inspections.
  • Flexibility: The device can be easily transferred between vehicles, providing flexibility for businesses with changing fleet compositions​.

Best use scenarios

  • Small to medium-sized fleets: Ideal for businesses with smaller fleets that need an affordable and straightforward tracking solution.
  • Leased vehicles: It is suitable for leased vehicles, as the device can be installed and removed without professional assistance, ensuring no permanent alterations.
  • Businesses requiring flexibility: This device is suitable for companies that frequently change or rotate their vehicles, as it can be easily moved from one vehicle to another.


The Connect & Track offers competitive pricing compared to similar self-install tracking devices. While prices can vary, typical costs for self-install trackers range from £50 to £150 per unit, with additional monthly subscription fees for accessing vehicle tracking telematics data.

The Connect & Track device is priced within this range, offering significant value through its robust feature set and ease of use. Quartix also provides various subscription plans tailored to different business needs, ensuring that businesses can select the most cost-effective option for their requirements.

Plug & Track

The Plug & Track is a versatile and easy-to-use vehicle tracking device designed to plug directly into the vehicle's On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) port. This self-install tracker provides a straightforward solution for fleet management, allowing businesses to monitor their vehicles without needing professional installation.

The Plug & Track device is ideal for businesses that require flexibility, as it can be easily moved from one vehicle to another​.

Key features and benefits

  • Easy installation: The device plugs into the vehicle’s OBD port, making installation quick and simple. Users can start accessing telematics data within minutes without needing professional tracker installation​.
  • Flexible use: It is designed for easy transfer between vehicles, making it ideal for fleets with leased vehicles or those that frequently change vehicles​​.
  • Comprehensive monitoring: The device provides detailed insights into vehicle location, driver behaviour, trip reports, geofencing alerts, and more, helping businesses improve efficiency and manage costs.
  • Cost-effective: As a self-install device, it eliminates the need for installation fees, providing a budget-friendly option for businesses​.

Best use scenarios

  • Leased fleets: Ideal for businesses that lease vehicles and need a non-permanent tracking solution.
  • Small to medium-sized fleets: It is suitable for businesses that require a cost-effective and easily manageable tracking system.
  • Temporary vehicles: Suitable for tracking temporary or sub-contractor vehicles, providing consistent data across all vehicles in the fleet​.


The cost of similar OBD plug-and-play tracking devices generally ranges from £50 to £150 per unit. Plug & Track devices are competitively priced within this range and have additional benefits such as comprehensive telematics features and ease of use. Monthly subscription fees for accessing telematics data usually range from £10 to £30 per vehicle, depending on the plan and features selected​.

Quartix offers various subscription plans tailored to different business needs, ensuring businesses can select the most cost-effective option.

Quartix app: software features

The Quartix mobile app is designed to provide comprehensive fleet management tools directly to your mobile device, making monitoring and managing your vehicles easier. The app is available for iOS and Android devices and is free to download for all customers.

The mobile app is essential for businesses to enhance their fleet management capabilities.

Its comprehensive features, including real-time tracking, driver performance monitoring, and vehicle inspection capabilities, provide valuable insights and control over fleet operations, improving efficiency, safety, and cost management​.

Benefits for businesses
  • Enhanced fleet visibility: The real-time tracking and comprehensive vehicle list provide complete visibility of your fleet, helping in better decision-making and efficient resource allocation.
  • Improved driver safety: By monitoring driver performance data, businesses can promote safer driving habits, reducing the risk of accidents and associated costs.
  • Operational efficiency: Features like trip data and geofencing alerts help streamline operations, ensuring vehicles are used efficiently and stay within designated areas.
  • Cost management: The app helps manage operational costs by tracking business mileage, reducing unauthorised vehicle use, and optimising routes.

Quartix Check

Quartix Check is a robust mobile application designed to streamline and digitise vehicle safety inspections and incident reporting for fleet managers.

The app is available on both Apple and Google Play stores and is free to download with a Quartix Check subscription. It offers a user-friendly interface for drivers to perform industry-standard or customised vehicle checks directly from their mobile devices.​

Key features

  • Digital vehicle inspections: Drivers can conduct inspections using default or custom checklists for various vehicles, including vans, cars, and HGVs. The app supports recording defects with photo uploads for comprehensive documentation​​.
  • Paperless reporting: Quartix Check creates a digital audit trail, eliminating the need for paper inspection sheets and simplifying fleet health management for fleet managers​.
  • Integrated dashboard: Inspection data syncs with the Fleet Tracking web application, allowing managers to view reports, search inspections, and manage fleet safety in a centralised location​.

Solid digital infrastructure for information

The brand offers a comprehensive resource suite to help UK-based business owners manage their fleets effectively. Here's a rundown of the available sources of information on their website:

  • Podcasts: The Fleet Insider Podcast is a series featuring interviews with fleet managers nationwide. It provides insights and advice on fleet management practices and challenges, making it a valuable resource for learning from industry experts and peers.
  • Video tutorials: Quartix offers a range of step-by-step video tutorials that demonstrate how to use various features of their telematics system. These tutorials cover everything from basic setup to advanced functionalities, helping users make the most of their system.
  • Webinars: The brand hosts webinars on key industry topics, offering expert telematics tips and insights. These sessions cover many subjects pertinent to fleet management and provide a platform for learning and discussion.
  • Case studies: The website features numerous case studies that showcase how different businesses have benefited from using Quartix. These real-world examples provide practical insights into the application of telematics in various industries and highlight the impact on efficiency and cost savings.
  • Blogs: The brand maintains a regularly updated blog with expert advice on fleet management topics. These articles provide in-depth knowledge and practical tips on improving fleet operations and managing business risks.
  • Guides and eBooks: A selection of eBooks and guides covering best practices and comprehensive insights into specific aspects of fleet management are available for download. These resources are designed to help businesses effectively apply Quartix capabilities.
  • Customer stories: Detailed customer stories highlight how the brand has helped other businesses improve their fleet operations. These stories offer relatable scenarios and practical examples of the benefits of using Quartix telematics.

These resources collectively provide a solid digital infrastructure for information, helping UK-based business owners manage their fleets and stay informed about the latest telematics technology.

Quartix vehicle tracking: is it worth it?

Quartix offers vehicle tracking solutions with features like live fleet tracking, driver behaviour monitoring, fuel management, and detailed reporting. These tools are designed to enhance fleet efficiency and safety and are accessible via an easy-to-use dashboard and mobile app.

Strengths of Quartix

  • Comprehensive tracking: It provides 24/7 real-time tracking, driver performance analysis, geofencing, and customisable alerts, helping businesses improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  • User-friendly: The platform's intuitive interface and mobile app make it accessible for businesses of all sizes, enhancing operational convenience​.
  • Competitive pricing: It offers affordable plans starting at £9.90 per vehicle per month, with higher tiers providing additional features like driving style reports and fleet management integration​.
  • Positive feedback: The brand has high ratings on review platforms like Trustpilot, with customers appreciating its reliability and customer service​​.

Weaknesses of Quartix

  • Limited complementary software: Unlike some competitors, Quartix focuses solely on vehicle tracking and does not offer additional fleet management software. This might be a limitation for businesses looking for a more integrated solution.
  • Self-installation challenges: Some users have reported difficulties with installing tracking devices themselves. This could concern businesses that prefer a quick and hassle-free setup​.

Quartix's pricing is competitive within the industry, with plans ranging from £9.90 to £16.90 per vehicle per month, similar to other solutions that typically cost £10 to £30 per vehicle per month.​

Compare multiple quotes

Comparing multiple quotes for vehicle tracking systems is essential for UK business owners aiming to make the best decision. It helps you make informed choices on affordable vehicle tracking and fleet management solutions for your business. Each provider offers unique features, pricing, and customer service, so evaluating several options ensures you find the best fit for your needs.

Seeking multiple quotes helps you secure the most comprehensive service package at the best price. Different providers may excel in real-time tracking, driver behaviour analytics, or customer support. For instance, Quartix offers competitive pricing and user-friendly interfaces, while others might provide more advanced features​​.

Additionally, comparing quotes uncovers hidden costs or additional fees that might not be immediately obvious, helping you avoid unexpected expenses and ensuring you get the best value​. It also gives you negotiation leverage, as providers may offer discounts or extra features to secure your business.

Make a well-informed decision that ensures your business gets the most effective and cost-efficient vehicle tracking system. Compare multiple quotes today to find the best solution for your fleet!

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