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Last updated: 1 August 2024

Trackstar Tracker: The Best For Stolen Vehicle Tracking?

  • Trackstar trackers are reliable and advanced, trusted by major brands and security authorities. Potential buyers should weigh the costs and complexity against the high level of security offered.
  • While the RAC Trackstar TM450 was a popular and effective vehicle tracker, its discontinuation paved the way for newer models like the Trackstar S7 TM470, which upholds high vehicle security standards.
  • The Trackstar Secure S5 is ideal for those needing advanced security and driver recognition, making it a preferred choice for high-value vehicles often required by insurance companies. The Trackstar Secure S7 provides essential tracking features at a more affordable price, suitable for general vehicle security needs.
  • The EcoEV S5 tracker is a good option for those looking for a reliable and eco-friendly security solution. It combines advanced security features with environmental benefits, making it suitable for environmentally conscious drivers.

Trackstar trackers, recognised by Thatcham, are a reliable security solution for vehicles utilised by prominent brands such as BMW and Land Rover. These trackers include sophisticated features like driver identification, making them a strong option for enhancing car security.

Trackstar evolved through strategic partnerships and acquisitions, starting with RAC, expanding under Trafficmaster, and advancing further with Teletrac Navman. Each brand contributed to enhancing the Trackstar tracking solutions, making it a robust choice for vehicle security today.

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The Trackstar solutions range today

Trackstar offers a comprehensive range of vehicle tracking solutions that cater to various security needs. It boasts Thatcham approval, which signifies adherence to rigorous quality and functionality standards. Thatcham trackers are recognised for their reliability and are often recommended by insurance providers.

Each tracking solution is designed to meet specific security needs, with the S5 series featuring advanced driver recognition and theft detection and the S7 providing reliable, entry-level tracking​. Here is an overview of the main strengths and weaknesses of the brands’ offerings:


  • Product variety: Trackstar's diverse product range caters to different security requirements. The S5 series offers high-end features, while the S7 is more budget-friendly.
  • Advanced security: Features like driver identification, motion sensors, and anti-tamper alerts ensure adequate vehicle protection and quick recovery of stolen vehicles.
  • Trusted approvals: Thatcham approval and endorsements from police authorities highlight Trackstar's reliability. This can also lead to insurance benefits.
  • Major brand integration: Prestigious brands like BMW and Jaguar use Trackstar trackers, showcasing their trust in the brand's security capabilities​.
  • Environmental efforts: The Leisure S5 model supports eco-friendly initiatives by planting trees with each purchase, helping to offset carbon emissions​.


  • High cost: Some Trackstar models, particularly the high-end ones, are expensive. This may be a barrier for some users​​.
  • Subscription fees: Ongoing subscription fees for monitoring services add to the overall cost, which might be a drawback for budget-conscious customers​.
  • Complexity: The advanced features need to be simplified for users preferring simple tracking solutions. Managing apps and alerts can be cumbersome​.

RAC Trackstar, a great tracker, is now discontinued

The RAC Trackstar TM450 was a highly regarded vehicle tracking system known for its reliability and comprehensive features, widely endorsed by major auto brands like Jaguar, BMW, and Land Rover. Although this model has been discontinued, its legacy continues with newer, more advanced alternatives.

Let’s explore what made the RAC Trackstar TM450 so popular, the reasons behind its discontinuation, and the best available Trackstar replacement today.

Popularity and features

The RAC Trackstar TM450 was highly regarded due to its comprehensive features and strong endorsements.

It was approved by major car manufacturers like Jaguar, BMW, Land Rover, and Range Rover and was known for its reliable 24-hour monitoring, motion sensing, and pan-European coverage. Combined with Thatcham Category 6 approval, these features made it a popular choice for vehicle owners seeking robust security solutions​​.

Reasons for discontinuation

The RAC Trackstar TM450 was discontinued primarily due to technological advancements and the end of the partnership between RAC and Trackstar.

As newer models with improved features became available, the TM450 was superseded by the Trackstar TM470. This evolution reflects ongoing improvements in GPS tracking and vehicle security technology, necessitating the phase-out of older models​.

Best Trackstar alternative

The best alternative to the discontinued RAC Trackstar TM450 is the Trackstar S7 TM470. This tracker offers advanced tracking capabilities, including real-time location updates, motion sensing, and anti-tamper alerts.

Like its predecessor, it is Thatcham-approved and provides pan-European coverage. The S7 TM470 also benefits from enhanced technology, making it a reliable successor to the TM450​​.

Secure S5 and S7 tracking devices

We will examine two popular Trackstar vehicle tracking systems: the Trackstar Secure S5 and the Trackstar Secure S7. Both systems are designed to enhance vehicle security with advanced tracking capabilities but cater to different needs and budgets.

Below, we will explore each system's features, characteristics, and costs to help you determine which Trackstar tracker best fits your requirements.

Trackstar Secure S5

The Trackstar Secure S5 is designed for high-value vehicles and offers advanced security features. It includes driver recognition technology, which helps identify whether an authorised driver is behind the wheel. This system provides proactive theft alerts and uses the MyTrackstar app to update details, report thefts, set geofences, and manage false alarms.

The S5 system boasts the fastest recovery times, with some vehicles recovered in as little as six minutes. It's Thatcham S5 approved, making it suitable for high-value vehicles and often required by insurers for enhanced security coverage. The cost of the S5 system ranges from £449 to £848, including installation.

Trackstar Secure S7

The Trackstar Secure S7 is an entry-level tracking system that provides essential tracking services at an affordable price. It features real-time monitoring and theft detection and is Thatcham S7 approved. The S7 system is ideal for budget-conscious individuals and younger drivers, offering peace of mind with its reliable vehicle protection.

The MyTrackstar app allows you to set geofences, review past journeys, and update account details. Like the S5, it offers pan-European coverage and multi-lingual support. The cost of the S7 system, including installation, ranges from £299 to £698​.

Cost and installation

Trackstar Secure S5 and S7 include installation in their pricing. The S5 system costs between £449 and £848, while the S7 system costs between £299 and £698.

These prices include the installation service by approved engineers, who will ensure the system is correctly set up and ready to provide optimal vehicle security​​.

Feature comparison

  • Driver recognition: The S5 system includes advanced driver recognition tags, which are unavailable in the S7 system.
  • Theft detection and alerts: Both systems provide real-time monitoring and immediate theft alerts.
  • Coverage: Both the S5 and S7 systems offer pan-European tracking and multilingual police liaison support.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The S7 is more budget-friendly, while the S5 offers enhanced security features suitable for high-value vehicles.

EcoEV S5 tracker

The Trackstar Secure EcoEV S5 is a vehicle tracking system designed for environmentally conscious drivers using alternatively fueled vehicles.

This tracker combines advanced security features with an eco-friendly approach, making it ideal for those prioritising vehicle security and environmental sustainability.

Features and characteristics

  • Thatcham S5 approval: This ensures the tracker meets rigorous security standards.
  • Driver recognition technology: Identifies authorised drivers, enhancing security and reducing recovery times in case of theft.
  • Real-time monitoring and alerts: Provides immediate alerts in case of unauthorised movement, towing, or theft attempts.
  • Carbon offset initiative: For every EcoEV S5 tracker purchased, Trackstar plants enough trees to offset the device's carbon footprint and contribute positively to carbon reduction​​.
  • MyTrackstar app: This app allows users to set geofences, review past journeys, and manage account details. It provides comprehensive control over the tracking system​.

Cost and installation

The Trackstar Secure EcoEV S5 is priced between £449 and £848, which includes installation. This range allows for some customisation based on specific needs and subscription options. Subscription plans for monitoring services are available for one year or three years, providing continuous 24/7 monitoring.

Secure Ultimate and Leisure S5

The Trackstar Secure Ultimate S5 and the Trackstar Secure Leisure S5 stand out for their advanced features and robust security capabilities. In this comparison, we will delve into the features and characteristics of both tracking devices, providing an estimate of their costs, including installation, to help you decide which Trackstar tracker best suits your requirements.

Trackstar Secure Ultimate S5

The Trackstar Secure Ultimate S5 is designed to provide unparalleled security for the most valuable and rarest vehicles. Key features include:

  • Thatcham S5 approval: Ensures high-security standards.
  • Advanced driver recognition: Alerts for any unauthorised vehicle movement.
  • Backup sleeper system: A waterproof system that provides continuous tracking even if the primary system is compromised.
  • Signal jamming mitigation: Prevents tracking system disablement through electronic interference.

The Ultimate S5 costs £1,198, which includes installation and three years of monitoring​​.

Trackstar Secure Leisure S5

The Trackstar Secure Leisure S5 is tailored explicitly for motorhome and campervan owners, ensuring travel security. Key features include:

  • Thatcham S5 approval: Meets rigorous security standards.
  • Advanced driver recognition: Identifies authorised drivers and alerts them for unauthorised access.
  • Coverage: Ensures tracking and recovery across Europe with multi-lingual police liaison.
  • Eco-Friendly Initiative: Plants 10 trees for each unit sold, contributing to carbon offset.

The Leisure S5 costs between £449 and £848, depending on the subscription package chosen. The package includes installation and options for one or three years of monitoring.

Trackstar accessories and app

Trackstar offers various accessories to enhance the functionality and security of its tracking systems. One essential accessory is the driver recognition tag. These tags are critical for ensuring an authorised driver is operating the vehicle.

The system recognises the tag and allows the car to start; the vehicle remains immobilised if the tag is absent. This feature significantly reduces the theft risk and ensures unauthorised access is immediately flagged.

The driver recognition tags come in different versions:

  • Cat5 Replacement Tag (casing only): This is the least expensive option since it only consists of the casing without any internal electronic components. It serves as a simple replacement for the outer part of the tag and does not involve the cost of advanced technology or features.
  • Round Post 2021 Bluetooth Replacement Tag: This tag includes Bluetooth technology, which significantly raises the cost of this tag. This tag provides enhanced functionality, such as better connectivity and ease of use, which justifies its higher price.
  • S5 Pre-2021 Replacement Tag: The tag ensures compatibility with pre-2021 S5 system models and maintains high-security standards, which can justify a higher price.
  • S5/CAT5 Advance Replacement Tag: This tag offers high levels of security and integration with the latest Trackstar systems.

These tags range in price from £7.49 to £42.00, including VAT. The variations in prices for the Trackstar driver recognition tags are primarily due to the differing levels of technology and functionality each tag provides.

More simple, less technologically advanced tags, such as the casing-only option, are cheaper, while advanced tags with Bluetooth capabilities and high-tech features cost more. These differences ensure that suitable options are available for various needs and budgets.

MyTrackstar App

The MyTrackstar App complements the Trackstar tracking systems, providing users a robust interface to manage their vehicle's security. Available on both iOS and Android platforms, the app offers several essential features:

  • Real-time alerts: Receive push notifications in case of a Trackstar alarm, enabling immediate action.
  • Geofencing: Set virtual boundaries around your vehicle's location. If the vehicle moves beyond these boundaries, you receive an alert.
  • Service mode: Suppress alerts while the vehicle is serviced to avoid unnecessary notifications.
  • Account management: Update personal and vehicle details directly through the app.
  • Journey review: View past journeys and track the vehicle's location history.

The app uses separate technology from the Trackstar system, ensuring the vehicle's location is always accessible to emergency desks, even if mobile internet coverage is interrupted​.

Cost and installation

The cost for Trackstar systems varies depending on the specific model and subscription plan: the Trackstar Secure S5 ranges from £449 to £848, while the Trackstar Secure S7 ranges from £299 to £698.

These prices include installation, which approved engineers conduct to ensure optimal functionality. The subscription plans provide continuous monitoring, with options for one-or three-year packages.​

What connects RAC, Trackstar, Trafficmaster and Telectrac?

The evolution of Trackstar and its connection with RAC, Trafficmaster, and Teletrac Navman reflects a journey through several phases of technological advancements and strategic business moves. Here’s a brief overview of each brand and how they are interlinked:

  • Trackstar: Trackstar provides advanced vehicle tracking solutions with anti-theft solid features. It is Thatcham-approved and offers real-time location updates, motion sensing, and driver identification. Popular models include Secure S5, Secure S7, and EcoEV S5​​.
  • RAC: The Royal Automobile Club (RAC) initially supported Trackstar, branding it as "RAC Trackstar." This partnership capitalised on RAC’s reputation in vehicle recovery. Today, RAC offers its tracking solutions separate from Trackstar​​.
  • Trafficmaster: Trafficmaster acquired Trackstar in the early 2000s, integrating GPS and GSM technologies to enhance vehicle tracking. Known for its information on road congestion, Trafficmaster expanded Trackstar’s market reach and technological capabilities.
  • Teletrac Navman: In 2016, Trafficmaster rebranded to Teletrac Navman after merging with Navman Wireless. Teletrac Navman continues to develop Trackstar as a top vehicle tracking solution, leveraging cloud-based platforms for advanced tracking and compliance management​.

Trackstar evolved through strategic partnerships and acquisitions, starting with RAC, expanding under Trafficmaster, and advancing further with Teletrac Navman. Each brand contributed to enhancing the Trackstar tracking solutions, making it a robust choice for vehicle security today.

Should you buy a Trackstar S5 or S7 for your business?

Whether to invest in the Secure S5 or the Secure S7 for your business involves evaluating your specific requirements and budget. Both models offer robust tracking and security features but are designed to meet different needs.

Business scenarios

A Secure S5 tracker is appropriate for businesses with high-value fleets, such as luxury car rentals, transportation of valuable goods, or companies operating in high-risk areas where vehicle theft is a significant concern. The advanced security features and real-time alerts make it an excellent investment for protecting high-value assets.

They also have essential features like driver recognition technology and Thatcham S5 approval, which can lower insurance premiums, benefiting businesses with significant asset investments​.

On the other hand, the Secure S7 tracker is suitable for businesses that need basic yet reliable tracking, such as logistics companies, delivery services, or small businesses with standard vehicles. Its cost-effectiveness and benefit security features provide peace of mind without a significant financial outlay.

The Secure S7 also has real-time tracking, theft detection (in case of unauthorised towing or movement), and Thatcham S7 approval. Installing a car tracker can significantly improve the chances of recovering your vehicle if it's stolen.

Compare multiple quotes

Securing your fleet is essential for business owners, and not all vehicle tracking solutions are equal. Costs and features can vary significantly, so comparing multiple quotes is crucial to get the best value.

Comparing quotes helps you see various options, like real-time tracking, driver identification, and theft alerts. Some providers offer additional benefits, such as lower insurance premiums due to Thatcham-approved systems. By evaluating multiple offers, you can negotiate better terms and save money.

Don’t settle for the first offer. Start comparing quotes from leading vehicle tracking companies today!

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